We have reviewed and tested many different composts over the years and not many of them have made it past our scrutiny. This is because the compost 'industry' here in the province is in its early stages, with many producers equating broken down organic matter to compost.
However, making good compost is as much an art as it is a process. Once you have broken down the organic matter, you then need to build up the humus content, as this humus, as well as a good, diverse aerobic biology is where the value lies.
We found a fellow not long ago who lives to make compost and has been doing so for over a decade. In fact, he was studying under Elaine Ingham before she gained her current, well deserved status.
His product is produced in reasonably small batches, and he personally does all of the sourcing of materials, collection, mixing, piling and turning. The result is very biologically active product that is a balance of both bacterial and fungal life.
We are very pleased to be able to offer this alongside our other favourite, our fish compost. With its rich biology, this is a great product for making compost teas!
Equivalency Measurement- 20 weighs approximately 30 lbs depending upon the moisture content.
This product is approved for organic use.