The Dual Fuel program was designed for growers who want to get the most out of their garden. As the largest and most highly variable input in the garden, fertilizer is something that is constantly being purchased, tinkered with, and improved upon. However, with GreenPlanet’s Dual Fuel program, the tinkering can stop and the rewards can begin. Possibly the easiest and most economical way to garden, the Dual Fuel program is one that can be mastered by even the most inexperienced grower. The Green Planet Dual Fuel Complete Nutrient Pack contains the Dual Fuel Base nutrients, as well as the Vitathive, Massive Bloom, Rezin, and Liquid Weight additives on the Green Planet Dual Fuel feeding schedule.
Green Planet Dual Fuel Complete Nutrient Pack Contents:
- Dual Fuel Base Nutrient PART A
- Dual Fuel Base Nutrient PART B
Vitathrive Propagation Solution: Additive Nutrient
Massive Bloom Formulation: Additive Nutrient
Rezin: Additive Nutrient
Liquid Weight: Additive Nutrient
Dual Fuel 1: Base Nutrient
Dual Fuel 1 is the nitrogen (N) heavy component of GreenPlanet’s 2-part system. Loaded with other important micronutrients like calcium, copper, iron, and zinc, Dual Fuel 1 will be your plant’s center of essential elements that promote green growth, broad leaves and manage nutrient deficiencies. Furthermore, after mixing Dual Fuel 1 & 2 together in the right ratios, the pH of your nutrient solution will adjust to a range of 6.0 – 6.3.
Dual Fuel 2: Base Nutrient
Unlike Dual Fuel 1, Dual Fuel 2 complements the feeding program by being phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) heavy. Not only does the other half of the 2-part program supply plants with a powerful kick of (P) and (K), but it also contains important elements like magnesium and sulfur. Arguably the simplest and most reliable formula on the market, Dual Fuel 1 & 2 are recommended to be used in a 1:1 ratio throughout a plant’s lifecycle.
Vitathrive Propagation Solution: Additive Nutrient
Vitathrive is GreenPlanet’s specially formulated vitamin supplement. Use Vitathrive aggressively throughout the vegetative stage, on transplant day, and during any period of stress to increase root growth, reduce internal stress and strengthen any plant’s immune response. The main supplementary component of Vitathrive, Thiamine or vitamin B1, has been shown to be a major inhibitor of plant resilience and helps protect your crop from stressors like pests, disease, high temperatures and drought. (Subki et al, 2018, p. 37).
Massive Bloom Formulation is GreenPlanet’s premier flowering additive, formulated with all of the necessary macro and micro-elements required to achieve an increase in flower size. As well as providing several additional beneficial properties, such as L-amino acids and a source of carbohydrates, Massive is the perfect blooming supplement to pair with the aggressive elements in the Dual Fuel program.
Rezin: Additive Nutrient
Rezin is GreenPlanet’s flowering additive formulated to enhance the natural processes within flowering plants that produce flavour and aroma. With no PPM, Rezin can be used with any base nutrient program until harvest to produce large, sugar-coated flowers. Now known for enhancing the “entourage effect” (Russo, 2019, para. 17), Rezin is one proprietary supplement that is a must-have for any quality-driven garden.
Liquid Weight: Additive Nutrient
Liquid Weight is a supplement blend of simple carbohydrates that support beneficial microbial life in the root zone. This leads to an increase in the absorption of essential nutrients that help develop impressive aromatic flowers and fruits. Plants spend an amazing amount of energy-releasing sugars like cellulose into the root zone; so, by supplementing your plant’s expenditures with additional carbs, you can be sure the beneficial microbes in your soil will be plentifully fed, which in turn will support the cultivation and growth of your living medium.