Supplied by: Cutleaf Seeds by Northern Wildflowers
The dessert of all vegetables! Sweet edible pods full of plump peas. The perfect sweet, crunchy snack!
- Full Sun
- 65 Days
- 20-25 seeds
- Open Pollinated
- Up to 5’ tall
- 98% Germination Rate (2023 test)
Companions: Carrots, Parsley, Potatoes
Growing Instructions:
Germinates best at 15-21°C in moist soil.
Plant Spacing : 2” apart. Row Spacing: 12-18” apart.
Direct seed at 1-1 ½” deep as soon as the soil can be worked. Prefers well-drained soil. Do not thin. The best time to install a trellis is at planting time. For a fall crop, sow 2 months before first frost. Keep seeds well-watered to encourage good germination.